Sølyst - Lead

17,99 €*

Produktnummer: BB 131-CD
Erscheinungsdatum: 12.04.2013
01 Pierbourg
02 Glass Danger
03 Polar
04 Lead
05 Magellan
06 Melancholia
07 Spiegel
08 Kristall
09 Euphorica
10 Schnee
Produktinformationen "Sølyst - Lead"

The second album by KREIDLER drummer THOMAS KLEIN – alias SØLYST – is a hypnotic journey into the heart of darkness. Foreboding synth patterns, menacing bass lines, driving drum figures, cavernous percussion effects: SØLYST delves into new depths with his TRIBAL KRAUT DUB.

Release Date: 12 April, 2013

Style: Rot
Tonträgerart: CD, Vinyl