The electronic duo God is God consists of Turkish musician, producer and Kinship label founder Etkin Çekin and Belarussian multi-instrumentalist, composer singer and Not Not Fun alumni Galina Ozeran who started making music after a chance meeting in Berlin in 2015.
In St. Petersburg Galina Ozeran formed various bands and began the lo-fi improvisational dream-pop solo project Chikiss, influenced by Soviet synth pioneers Eduard Artemiev and Alexander Zatcepin as well as American film composer Angelo Badelamenti, Laurie Anderson, and early Warp records. On Metamorphoses, this is reflected in her narcotic melody lines and sung "liquid language" – a kind of improvisational, non-semantic vocalization, which combines fluidly with Çekin's sonic vision. Etkin Çekin was honed in both Istanbul and Germany and draws equally on the sounds of Bülent Arel, Erkan Oğur and Turkish 90s indie-experimental band ZEN as well as Roedelius, La Düsseldorf and Suicide. The result of Çekin and Ozeran's collaboration is both measured and electric.
In St. Petersburg Galina Ozeran formed various bands and began the lo-fi improvisational dream-pop solo project Chikiss, influenced by Soviet synth pioneers Eduard Artemiev and Alexander Zatcepin as well as American film composer Angelo Badelamenti, Laurie Anderson, and early Warp records. On Metamorphoses, this is reflected in her narcotic melody lines and sung "liquid language" – a kind of improvisational, non-semantic vocalization, which combines fluidly with Çekin's sonic vision. Etkin Çekin was honed in both Istanbul and Germany and draws equally on the sounds of Bülent Arel, Erkan Oğur and Turkish 90s indie-experimental band ZEN as well as Roedelius, La Düsseldorf and Suicide. The result of Çekin and Ozeran's collaboration is both measured and electric.
- 1000 Robota
- 39 Clocks
- Adelbert von Deyen
- Alabama Shakes
- Alu
- Amy Rigby
- Anajo
- Andreas Dorau
- Andreas Spechtl
- Anne Hahn
- Arbeit Schickert Schneider
- Asmus Tietchens
- Automat
- A Projection
- Baal & Mortimer
- Bambi Kino
- Bärchen und die Milchbubis
- Bart Davenport
- Benjamin Dean Wilson
- Bernard Xolotl
- Bernd Begemann
- Bernd Kistenmacher
- Besser
- Bill Pritchard
- Black Heino
- BMX Bandits
- Bobby Conn
- Botschaft
- Boy Omega
- Braake
- Brace/Choir
- Brausepöter
- Brockmann // Bargmann
- Camera
- Camouflage
- Carambolage
- Carl Matthews
- Carsten & Carsten
- Carsten Friedrichs
- Chaplin
- Chikiss
- Christian Kjellvander
- Circles
- Clara Hill
- Cluster
- Comet Gain
- Compilations
- Conny Frischauf
- Conrad Schnitzler
- Crash Tokio
- CV Vision
- Daniel Decker
- Daniel Schneider
- Darlo
- Das Kinn
- Das Lunsentrio
- Datashock
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- Dennis Young
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- Der Plan
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- Dieter Zobel
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- eat-girls
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- Etienne Jaumet & Fabrizio Rat
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- Ezio
- Family 5
- Faust / faUSt
- Fehlfarben
- Fondation
- Foyer des Arts
- Francesco Wilking
- Frank Spilker
- Frank Willmann
- Friedrich Sunlight
- Garish
- Gary Olson
- Geschmeido
God Is God
- Grosskopf & Kranemann
- Günter Schickert
- Gut & Irmler
- Hans Nieswandt
- Hans-A-Plast
- Harald Grosskopf
- Harmonious Thelonious
- Hearts No Static
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- Heim
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- Herr D.K.
- HGich.T
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- Holger Hiller
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- Jaguwar
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- Jetzt!
- Jimi Tenor
- Jörg Thomasius
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- Junior High
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- Just For Fun
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- Kluster
- Knut und die herbe Frau
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- Krishna Goineau
- Kristofer Åström
- Kristoffer Bolander
- Lacrosse
- Lapre
- Last Days Of April
- Levin Goes Lightly
- Lightwave
- Like A Stuntman
- Lloyd Cole
- Lloyd Cole / Roedelius
- Louis Philippe & The Night Mail
- Love-Songs
- Mani Neumeier & Kwabata Makoto
- Maplewood
- Mapstation
- Marcel Gein
- Martin Carr
- Martin Rev
- Mary Roos
- Max Goldt
- Me and Cassity
- Men Among Animals
- Michael Bundt
- Michel Banabila
- Mint Mind
- Mira, un Lobo!
- Missouri
- Mobylettes
- Moebius Neumeier Engler
- Moebius Schneider
- Moebius Story Leidecker
- Moebius & Plank
- Moebius & Renziehausen
- Moebius & Tietchens
- Montag
- Moritz Krämer
- Müssen Alle Mit
- Naked Lunch
- Neo Rodeo
- Neuzeitliche Bodenbeläge
- Next Stop: Horizon
- Nick Garrie
- Nick Nicely
- Niels Frevert
- Niklas Wandt
- Ninca Leece
- Nom De Guerre
- Notorische Reflexe
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- Norma Schneider
- O Terno
- Oliver Gottwald
- Östro 430
- Ostzonensuppenwürfelmachenkrebs
- Ove
- P!OFF?
- Palais Schaumburg
- Paul Dimmer Band
- Penny Arcade
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- PeterLicht
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- Peter Elkas
- Piotr Figiel
- Pollens
- Pose Dia
- Propaganda
- Pyrolator
- Qluster
- Rantanplan
- Richard Pinhas
- Richard von der Schulenburg
- Riechmann
- Robert Forster
- Robocop Kraus
- Roedelius
- Roedelius / Schneider
- Roger Nichols
- Rolf Trostel
- Rotzkotz
- Rüdiger Lorenz
- Saal 2
- Saeko Killy
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- Samba
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- Schlammpeitziger
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- Schneider TM
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- Sprung aus den Wolken
- Station17
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- The Catenary Wires
- The Clientele
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- The Grand Opening
- The Horror The Horror
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- The Times
- The Wirtschaftswunder
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- To Rococo Rot
- Tolouse Low Trax
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- Ulrich Schnauss & Mark Peters
- unhappybirthday
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- Various Artists
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- Vono
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- Wolke
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