Schneider TM - Construction Sounds

17,99 €*

Produktnummer: BB117-CD
Erscheinungsdatum: 28.09.2012
1. Construction Sounds
2. Container
3. Pneumanisch
4. Grinder In The Sky
5. Container Redux
6. Bimanual Complexity

Video "Grinder In The Sky":

Produktinformationen "Schneider TM - Construction Sounds"

This album is what results when a delicate musician has to live amidst Berlin's construction noise for eight years, during the time when the former working class district of Prenzlauer Berg was transformed into a neighborhood for higher-income earners. Schneider TM (Dirk Dresselhaus) recorded the sounds and patterns produced by the construction workers and combined these moments with the electronic recordings that he made during this period – a truly unique listening experience! Available as cd or vinyl (cd included).

Release date: September 28th 2012

Video "Grinder In The Sky":

Style: Rot
Tonträgerart: CD, Vinyl