Pyrolator - Pyrolator's Traumland

26,99 €*

Produktnummer: BB160-Vinyl
Erscheinungsdatum: 21.02.2014
1 The Trophotropical Introduction
2 The Trophotropical House
3 E.V.E.
4 Djakarta
5 Whiteness
6 You Me
7 White Wedding
8 Castles In The Sand
9 Ships Without Sails
10 Leaves
11 Man Ray
12 Sleep Well
13 Christmas In Space (Bonus)
14 Ritual (Bonus)
15 Triggers Of Target II (Bonus)
16 Sao Paulo (Bonus)
Produktinformationen "Pyrolator - Pyrolator's Traumland"

The adventurous avant-garde musician Pyrolator (member of Der Plan, DAF, Fehlfarben and Ata Tak label founder) struck out on a completely new path for his fourth solo album in 1987: sophisticated pop music, potentially compatible with the charts – proper vocals, jazzy harmonies and sax solos. The album divided opinion: critics were enthralled, fans alienated.

Release: February 21st, 2014

Style: Rot
Tonträgerart: CD, Vinyl