Nick Garrie - The Moon and The Village

26,99 €*

Produktnummer: TR391-Vinyl
Erscheinungsdatum: 24.11.2017
1. Lois' Diary
2. The Moon and The Village
3. I'm On Your Side
4. Music From a Broken Violin
5. Early Morning in the Garden
6. Bacardi Samuel
7. Boy Soldier
8. My Dear One
9. Got You On My Mind
10. Ma Petite Catherine
11. Nick's Minuet

Produktinformationen "Nick Garrie - The Moon and The Village"

Release: November 24, 2017

There’s a new album from Nick Garrie coming out and that’s something to celebrate. Let me assure you straight away, it’s a thing of great and rare beauty. It’s still very much the same Nick Garrie who made that incredible 1969 debut and the 2009 album '49 Arlington Gardens' too, but this time round it’s Nick Garrie in a more reflective mood.

Style: Rot
Tonträgerart: CD, Vinyl (incl. CD)