Moebius & Plank - Material

17,99 €*

Produktnummer: BB49-CD
1. Conditionierer
2. Infiltration
3. Tolkühn
4. Osmo-Fantor
5. Nordöstliches Gefühl
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Produktinformationen "Moebius & Plank - Material"

LP sold out at the moment, back in stock in June

On their second album (recorded 1981), Moebius and Plank ventured far, far away from the double coordinates of the Harmonia world and pop music cosmos. "Material" saw them generate a form of genre-busting electronic music, more radical than anything one might have expected to come out of Germany, not even from the likes of Cluster or Harmonia.

Release date: May 7th 2010

Style: Rot
Tonträgerart: CD, Vinyl