Ex-Vöid - In Love Again

26,99 €*

Dieses Produkt erscheint am 17. Januar 2025

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Produktnummer: TR586-Vinyl
Erscheinungsdatum: 17.01.2025
A1 Swansea
A2 In Love Again
A3 July
A4 Nightmare
A5 Pinhead

B1 Lonely Girls
B2 Sara
B3 Strange Insinuation
B4 Down The Drain
B5 Outline
Produktinformationen "Ex-Vöid - In Love Again"

Ex-Vöid - featuring Lan McArdle (Joanna Gruesome, Lanny) and Owen Williams (The Tubs) - return with their second LP: In Love Again. Joined by Laurie Foster (bass) and George Rothman (drums), the record sees the band flourish from a chaotic power punk group into a fully fledged pop behemoth. Taking in elements of shoegaze (Pinhead), country (Outline), 90s indie rock (In Love Again) and pretty much the entire history of guitar music, In Love Again reveals McArdle and Williams to be true students of perfect pop.