Conrad Schnitzler & Schneider TM - Con-Struct

26,99 €*

Produktnummer: BB252-Vinyl
Erscheinungsdatum: 18.11.2016

1 Doozer
2 Dabb
3 Wollwachsalkohol
4 Parabelflug
5 Inspektion
6 Wie Geht Die
7 Wurmloch

Produktinformationen "Conrad Schnitzler & Schneider TM - Con-Struct"

The German pioneer of electronic music Conrad Schnitzler (1937-2011) amassed a vast archive of sounds for use in combination with each other in live performances. In 2011 the idea came up of con-structing new compositions, not remixes, from this material. The Con-Struct series was born. This release features con-structions by Schneider TM. "I am very happy and honored to be invited to do an album for the Con-Struct series and wanted to do something special and genuine in this posthumous collaboration with Conrad Schnitzler. I wanted to get as close to his spirit as possible, so I created a musical situation as if we were actually collaborating together in the same room, with Conrad playing his pre-recorded sound-files or modular system and me dubbing and processing it live on the fly... almost as if it was a live-concert situation.“

Release: November 18th, 2016

Style: Rot
Tonträgerart: CD, Vinyl (incl. CD)