The Soft Hills - Chromatisms

17,99 €*

Produktnummer: TR248-CD
Erscheinungsdatum: 08.02.2013

1. Riding High
2. Sweet Louise
3. Marigolds
4. Dear Mr. Moonlight
5. Payroll
6. Un
7. Horse & Carriage
8. The Gifts You Hide
9. Mighty River
10. Desert Rose

Produktinformationen "The Soft Hills - Chromatisms"

Birdmen time-travelers, a tale of an unhappy girl named Louise, the story of a schizophrenic banned from paradise, celestial radio, oceanic dream therapy, reflections on death, a letter to the moon, madness, and euphoria. The Soft Hills' new album, Chromatisms, features ten new songs that explore these subjects and other ruminations on the human relationship with the unconscious and the emotional.

Relaese date: 8th February 2013

Style: Rot
Tonträgerart: CD, Vinyl